The ICS Department is excited to announce that three new faculty members are joining us as colleagues this Fall.
Dr. Nurit Kirshenbaum‘s research interests are at the intersection of Data Visualization, Human Computer Interaction, and Collaboration, leveraging Advanced Cyberinfrastructure. Her main focus is on questions regarding the use of tangible objects in mixed reality systems used to communicate complex information. She has been a postdoc in the LAVA lab where she initiated the lab’s experimentation with physicalizations. Data physicalization (or “physicalization” or short) uses the physical properties of real-life objects to encode data.
Dr. Katy Tarrit Mirakhorli‘s research interests are in multidisciplinary studies that integrate knowledge and methods from computer science, engineering, and neuroscience. She develops and applies computing techniques such as image processing and data and analytics, as well as novel scientific software pipelines to study brain development differences between typically developing and patient populations such as individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders or psychiatric diseases.
Dr. Mehdi Tarrit Mirakhorli‘s research is in the broad area of software engineering. He has carried out various projects of national importance in the areas of trustworthy software, software assurance, cybersecurity, resiliency, scientific software development, and software enabled sustainable disposal. Dr. Mirakhorli has led several large fundamental research and technology transition projects with the Department of Defense, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Department of Homeland Security and National Science Foundation (NSF). He has more than a decade of experience as a software architect and tech-lead on large, complex and multi-stakeholder projects such as AI-enabled automation, cyber-threats and intelligence, data-intensive meteorological systems, and health care.