The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BS CS) provides an in-depth foundation in programming, software development, technology systems, science, and math. You may find this degree of interest if you want to pursue software development as a career path or go to graduate school in computer science. In addition to the general track, the ICS Department also offers two specialized BS CS tracks: Data Science, Security Science and Creative Computational Media.
Course Outline: General
Students must complete the following courses for the BS CS (General) degree (57 credits, total of 18 courses):
- ICS 111, ICS 141, ICS 211, ICS 212, ICS 241, ICS 311, ICS 314, ICS 321, ICS 332, ICS 355, ICS 496
- One course in two of the following pairs: (ICS 312 or ICS 331), (ICS 313 or ICS 361), (ICS 351 or ICS 451)
- At least four more ICS or other approved courses at the 400 level or above
- Either MATH 307 or MATH 372
Substitutions are permitted with the written approval of a faculty adviser. Waiver of certain requirements, such as the Advanced Placement CS exam, must be approved by an ICS faculty adviser.
Here is a diagram illustrating some possible paths through our BS-CS (General) program:
Course Outline: Data Science Track
The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science – Data Science track offers a solid foundation in computer science with a focus in data modeling, visualization, statistics, and machine learning.
Students must complete the following courses for the BS CS (Data Science) degree (57 credits, total of 18 courses):
- ICS 111, ICS 211, ICS 212, ICS 235, ICS 311, ICS 314, ICS 321, ICS 355
- ICS 434, ICS 435, ICS 438, ICS 484
- MATH 301, MATH 307, and MATH 372
The Data Science track also requires three upper-level (400+) elective courses that must be approved by a Data Science Faculty Advisor. These electives may be courses taken in other departments that include a significant data modeling component. This enables students to apply their skills to applications that interest them. Below is a list of suggested elective courses. To request approval for a course, contact Mahdi Belcaid or Peter Sadowski.
- ICS 496: Capstone Project
- ICS 422: Network Science Methodology
- ICS 483: Computer Vision
- ICS 475 Introduction to Bioinformatics Sequences and Genomes Analysis
- BIOL483/MBBE483: Bioinformatics
- ATMO/CEE/SUST 449: Climate Modeling, Data Analysis & Applications
- ECON 425: Introduction to Econometrics
- ECON 427: Economic Forecasting
- MATH 407: Numerical Analysis
- MATH 471: Probability
- MATH 472: Statistical Inference
The following diagram illustrates possible paths through the BS-CS (Data Science) track:
Course Outline: Security Science Track
As computation and information are spreading through ever wider networks, supporting ever more complex and more important applications, security is becoming a central problem of Information and Computer Sciences. The tasks of protecting security and privacy also offer an increasing range of employment and business opportunities for ICS graduates. The Security Science (SecSci) track provides the technical capabilities and the conceptual background needed for entry into this exciting and expanding area.
The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science – Security Science track offers a solid foundation in computer science with a focus in cyber security. This degree provides students with the opportunity to focus in this area of concentration within the computer science field.
Students must complete the following courses (54 credits, total of 17 courses):
- ICS 111, ICS 141, ICS 211, ICS 212, ICS 241, ICS 311, ICS 314, ICS 321, (ICS 312 or ICS 331 or ICS 332)
- ICS 222, ICS 355, (ICS 351 or ICS 451)
- Four electives from: ICS 423, ICS 425, ICS 426, ICS 428, ICS 455, ICS 495, EE 406