Many fields outside of computer science require considerable computing knowledge and skill. If you are interested in combining your non-computer science degree with some training in computer science, consider a minor in computer science?
ICS Minor Requirements
- ICS 211, ICS 212, ICS 241 (and their prerequisites: ICS 111 and ICS 141)
- Math majors can take MATH 301 (Intro to Discrete Mathematics) and MATH 372 (Elementary Probability Theory) instead of ICS 141 and ICS241; since MATH 301 can count towards the math major requirements, this saves a course.
- Three additional ICS courses at the 300 level or above. These courses should be chosen in consultation with an ICS undergraduate advisor.
Students must have a grade of C or better in all courses to be counted towards the minor.
Talk to our ICS advisor about this option!