The Information and Computer Sciences Department offers a variety of undergraduate degree programs in order to allow students with different backgrounds and interests to become skilled in computer and information sciences.
- The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BS CS) focuses on software technology and gives students a firm foundation in computing-related science and math.
- The Bachelor of Arts in Information and Computer Sciences (BA ICS) is designed for students who wish to combine computer science with another discipline.
- The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BS CE) focuses on hardware and software technologies and how they are used together to create systems. This degree is offered jointly by ICS and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department in the College of Engineering.
- We also offer a minor in ICS for those who want some exposure to computing concepts.
BAM — Bachelors and Masters
The Bachelors and Masters (BAM) degree program is intended to allow students the opportunity to receive both the Bachelor of Science and the Master of Science in Computer Science in 5 years.
Our graduate programs provide advanced technical education in computer science. Our graduates have gone on to a variety of leadership roles in high technology including research and development positions in computing, high-tech startups, and academic faculty positions.
- The Master of Science (M.S.) in Computer Science is designed for post-baccalaureate students who wish to update their skills and knowledge in computer science. Students may wish to earn the M.S. either as a terminal degree or in preparation for doctoral studies. The Masters program can support broadening applied skills or deepening theoretical understanding.
- The Ph.D. in Computer Science s for students who plan to pursue research careers in industry or academia. Ph.D. students are expected to demonstrate mastery of the concepts relevant to their area of expertise, participate in the research culture of the department, and contribute to the scientific literature.
- The Ph.D. in Communication and Information Sciences is an interdisciplinary program designed for students whose interests cross multiple disciplines related to computation, communication, informatics and information science, technology policy, digital communities, and related fields.
A certificate program is a designated set of courses that complements a degree program by enhancing the development of skills and knowledge in a focused area of study.
- The undergraduate Certificate in Creative Computational Media provides students and industry professionals with training necessary to enter exciting and lucrative immersive media job markets, such as video game and eSports design and development, digital film production and special effects, new media theatre and dance performance, interactive digital media installation development, and exhibit design for museums, theme parks, or marketing/advertising.
- The undergraduate Data Science Certificate provides students and industry professionals with training in modern computational tools for manipulating, visualizing, and extracting insights from data. This programming-intensive program prepares students to work in the high-demand, lucrative field of data science.