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Policy on tenure and promotion

The Department adopts without additions the minimum qualifications for ranks in Section 9-2 of the Board of Regents Policy and Bylaws.

The following procedure will be used to evaluate candidates for promotion and/or tenure.

  1. Candidates for promotion and/or tenure will be determined by probationary period or request of the candidate in accordance with the agreement between the University of Hawaii Professional Assembly and the Board of Regents of the University of Hawaii.
  2. The Department Chair (DC) will notify a candidate in writing of the pending evaluation and the deadline for submission of materials and provide him/her with copies of the minimum qualifications, application forms, and instructions for completing the forms.
  3. The DC will appoint an ad-hoc committee consisting of two members of the department personnel committee (DPC). If possible, one member of the ad-hoc committee should be familiar with the candidate’s work, while the other should have an independent academic specialty.  The DPC will be composed of: (a) all tenured full professors who are members of bargaining unit 07 for a promotion to full professor; (b) all tenured associate and full professors who are members of bargaining unit 07 for a promotion to associate professor; (c) all tenured assistant, associate, and full professors who are members of bargaining unit 07 for a promotion to assistant professor; (d) all tenured professors who are members of bargaining unit 07 for a tenure decision;
  4. The DC and the ad-hoc committee will select at least three experts in the candidate’s academic specialty from outside the university, and the DC will solicit from them confidential assessments of the quality and significance of the candidate’s work.  The candidate’s vita and bibliography will be included with the letters of request.  The candidate may suggest referees familiar with his/her work.
  5. The ad-hoc committee will present its findings orally and in writing to the DPC which will deliberate and prepare a preliminary recommendation.  The DPC may gather additional material necessary for its deliberations.
  6. The DPC will vote by secret ballot at all final votes.
  7. The DC will review and evaluate the candidate’s dossier as supplemented by the DPC and prepare an independent preliminary recommendation.  The DC may gather additional material necessary for his/her deliberations.
  8. The DC will discuss the recommendations with the candidate and notify him/her of the nature of the supplementary materials, if any, added to the dossier.  The candidate will be given the opportunity to submit additional material on his/her behalf.
  9. The DPC and the DC will prepare independent final recommendations, and the DC will notify the candidate of the recommendations.
  10. The complete dossier and recommendations will be forwarded to the Dean of the College of Natural Sciences for further review.


Approved by faculty March, 1997.  Approved by the Office of the Senior Vice President and Executive Vice Chancellor 10/1/97.  Approved by James Kurdash 7/26/2002.